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Content Marketing Generates Millions of Dollars For Brands When Conveying 2 Things

Writer's picture: DeJuan WrightDeJuan Wright

Updated: Jan 28, 2024

One of the things most currently being emphasized by most corporations around the world at the moment is content marketing. In fact, according to a PRNewswire report, the market for content marketing is expected to increase by USD 417.85 BN through 2021-2025.

Whether it’s a Fortune 500 company looking for a slight edge on their competitors.

Or a startup using content marketing as a proverbial sword to battle the Goliaths in its industry.

Content marketing is like a golden clasp that connects brands to consumers. Which could either give a brand a sizable advantage over competitors fighting for market share. Or, at the very leastserve as the ultimate equalizer for smaller brands.

Besides the aforementioned, another cause for this sudden upsurge in demand for content marketing by corporations is due to the fact that companies have realized that content marketing is a relatively low-cost investment that could generate a tremendous amount of revenue for a company – if their content marketing strategies are effective.

I believe that every brand should have its own content marketing strategy. That’s just how important content marketing has now become.

But in order for your content marketing strategy to be successful and potentially make millions of dollars for your brandit has to resonate with the consumer. The way to do that is by conveying these two things to the consumer.

A Reward

The power of a great story is quite remarkable. A great story could illustrate so many things in the mind. When we were kids, it was stories that were either read to us or told to us that helped shape our outlook on life.

Those stories served as a conduit for the author or narrator to convey the eventual morals for telling them. Which as kids, either resulted in a happily ever after endingwhich were usually bedtime stories. Or a not so happily ending that was aimed to warn us not to do certain things.

Half of an effective content marketing strategy is similar to those bedtime stories that were told to us as kids. That’s because they should convey a happy ending to the consumer. And as a marketer, your job is to convey that happy ending which will come as the result of a reward for taking a desired action.

In his book, Content Machine: Use Content Marketing To Build a 7-Figure Business With Zero Advertising, author Dan Norris, stated, “People can relate to a story that follows a pattern of fortune and misfortune. You'll know you're on track when people say they can relate to the story.”

A great way to get people to relate to a story is by articulating the fortune which is their desired outcome within a story in your content (I’ll discuss the undesired portion later in this article).

What is the real reason that the 32-year-old CEO wants to purchase a brand new Maserati as soon as he sells his startup? Why does the 24-year-old DevOps engineer really want to purchase a pair of Christian Louboutin tall boots with her her first paycheck? Why does the 15-year-old high school student really want the latest Apple iPhone?

The answers to those questions are probably:

  • The CEO really wants to purchase the brand new Maserati to impress those attracted to expensive cars.

  • The DevOps engineer really wants the Christian Loubtin tall boots because the boots are a status symbol worthy of adulation from her peers.

  • The high school student really wants the latest Apple iPhone because all of the “cool” students at school will have one. And the student wants to be considered cool by the other students as well.

By knowing what consumers really want, and not just what they’ll tell you in a survey. You could then craft content that conveys the consumer's desired outcomewhich they will receive by taking a certain action. In other wordsarticulate how they’ll receive the ultimate reward that they seek by taking the actions that you would like for them to take.

Many of the top brands understand what their consumers really want and their branding, pricing, and marketing reflects that.

Balenciaga executives understand the real reason that consumers purchase their products. If surveyed, the consumer may state that it’s due to quality, style, or the history of the brand. But if the brand suddenly dropped its prices to where anyone could afford it – those same consumers probably wouldn’t purchase it anymore.

A good way to instantly convey rewards to consumers is by keeping the real motives for which they would take a desired action in mind when creating your copy. And that starts with the headline to your content. In his book, Ogilvy On Advertising, author and advertising hall of famer David Ogilvy, stated, “The headlines which work best are those which promise the reader a benefit.”

Look deep to find the real reason that a consumer would take the action that you want them to take. Then, promise the reader the benefit they yearn as a reward for taking a desired action in your headline as well as the body of your content.

A Repercussion

All humans respond very well to two things. Those two things are rewards and repercussions. And depending on the person, one is more likely to get a desired reaction more than the other. For some, the thought of losing something or facing an undesired outcome is what could compel them to take an action that you would desire when a reward couldn’t.

As previously stated by Dan Norris, people can relate to a story that follows a pattern of fortune or misfortune. The way to craft content that articulates misfortune and an undesired outcome is by knowing your audience and what keeps them up at night.

What is the worst outcome that could occur to someone in your audience if they don’t take the action that you would want them to take?

  • Will they be an outcast from their peers by not wearing your stylish clothing brand?

  • Will they go into debt by not hiring you as their financial advisor?

  • Will they feel guilty for not helping others by not donating to your foundation?

  • Will they be single forever if they don’t become a member of your dating app?

  • Will their car get stuck on the side of the road if they don’t purchase your brand of tires?

Once you know what it is that your audience fearscraft content that conveys that fear as a repercussion if they do not take the action that you want them to take. Fear or loss aversion creates tension. And tension usually invokes an action that will alleviate that tension.


Content marketing could certainly generate millions of dollars for your brand. But that comes with a contingency.

The contingency is that you understand your brand’s audience and not only craft content that conveys to the consumer both the rewards or repercussions of taking or not taking a desired action. Your brand must also deliver the consumer the rewards they seek and help the consumer avoid the repercussions that they fear.

Also, once you create your contentbe sure to re-distribute it through various channels. Treat your content like it's a hit song; and hit songs do not become hit songs when people only play them once for others to hear.

Lastly, the most successful content marketing strategies contain triggers. And when applied correctlythose triggers ignite a desired behavior from consumers. As a marketer, once you know your audience's dreams and nightmaresit’s your job to help them achieve their dreams and to avoid those nightmares as promised.


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