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What Makes a Brand Logo Truly Great? Find Out Here

Writer's picture: DeJuan WrightDeJuan Wright

Photo: Piyush Haswani/Unsplash
Photo: Piyush Haswani/Unsplash

For many of us, ever since we were kids, there have always been certain brands that we’ve had inexplicable levels of affinity towards. Whether we could actually identify the origin of that affinity or not may differ. But if pondered long enough, I’m sure that we all could think of at least a few brands we’ve had an unfeigned liking for since childhood.

Subconsciously, and similar to an optical illusion test, the brands that we support often provide a glimpse into our psyche as it relates to how we ultimately view ourselves—based on the way that we self-identify with them. 

For example, think back to your childhood. While walking down the beloved breakfast cereal aisle at your grocery store with either your parents or a guardian. 

Before you ever gave a hoot about immaterial things to kids like food ingredients and macronutrients—odds are that your favorite breakfast cereals consisted of whichever sugary cereal brand's characters you found most appealing at the time.

As we become adults, brand logos often serve in a similar manner as it pertains to helping us identify and build an emotional connection with the respective brands that they represent. But what are the elements that go into making a brand logo so special to the point that it is considered truly great by the masses? Let’s dive into it!

They are distinctive and easily recognizable 

Before going any further, it would be extremely remiss of me if I failed to emphasize the importance of the role that brand logos play in the overall branding process of your business, foundation, or any other respective entity. Undoubtedly, your brand’s logo is pivotal as it pertains to how your brand will be positioned in the minds of the public. 

How is that? You may ask. It’s because we all have two brains: A verbal brain and a visual brain.

Our visual brain (which is the right side of the brain), conveys messages to our verbal brain (the left side of the brain), to read or listen to the words associated with the visual. Which is the biggest reason why brand logos are so significant in helping people not only familiarize themselves with your brand, but just as importantly—not confuse it with any other brand.

Regardless of how catchy your brand’s name may be, its brand logo will always be essential. As it visually reinforces the brand’s identity into the minds of those who will see it. Which is why all of the greatest brand logos are both distinctive and easily recognizable.

These are five brands whose iconic logos are easily recognizable because of their distinctiveness:

  • Arm & Hammer

  • Death Row Records 

  • Nike

  • Shell 

  • Target   

They pass the memorability test 

Here’s the truth about your brand, aside from on a few rare occasions—your brand's logo will eventually become more than twice as valuable as the products or services that it provides. 

Take Nike’s Air Jordan Jumpman logo for example. Besides Nike’s Swoosh, the Jumpman logo may be the most recognizable brand apparel logo in the world today. However, if the Jordan brand unexpectedly decided to stop selling athletic footwear and apparel today and decided to sell… let just say—bowling balls instead. 

Consumers would automatically assume that the Jordan Brand’s bowling balls were exceptional; due to decades of Nike's amazing marketing campaigns for the Jordan Brand, consumers have grown to associate the brand with greatness. 

So, if Jordan Brand began specializing in selling bowling balls, what would be the first thing that Brad the bowler would look for when goes bowling at his favorite bowling alley? Of course it would be a bowling ball with the world-famous Jumpman logo on it! 

Besides featuring a silhouette of the greatest basketball player of all-time, Michael Jordan, the Jumpman logo is extremely easy for consumers to recall. Which is important because it allows consumers to instantly identify and associate your brand’s products or services with the benefits they provide at the point of purchase.  

They symbolize an intentional message 

At their very core, brands, that is, true brands—offer consumers far more inherent value than whatever tangible benefits their products or services actually provide to consumers. Fundamentally, a true brand harbors a tribe (which would explain why some people even go as far getting their favorite brand's logo tatted on their skin).

Brands serve as proxies for a group of people who share a set of beliefs, interests, or values. And as with most prominent tribes throughout history, a great brand logo symbolizes a specific message that its respective brand wants to convey to the world. 

Let’s explore a few brands whose great logos convey an intentional message about their respective brands:

Allstate – By far, the absolute worst mistake that a brand could make with its logo is to confuse consumers who come across it. One brand whose logo certainly doesn’t have that problem is the insurance company Allstate.

Allstate’s brand logo, which depicts a pair of open human hands, strongly reinforces the brand’s brilliant slogan that customers are in good hands with Allstate.

Amazon – The only thing that may be more cleverly impressive than this e-commerce company’s business model may be their brand logo. That’s because if you study the logo closely enough, you'll notice an arrow (which also resembles a smiling face) pointing from the letters A-to-Z. 

Conveying a message to consumers that from beginning to end—Amazon has them covered. 

Visa – Now, before you totally rebuke me for committing marketing malpractice by even suggesting that Visa has a great brand logo, keep in mind that the subheading for this section is about symbolizing a message. And those messages don’t always have to be elaborate or profound. 

Oftentimes, going with a simple typeface brand logo is the ideal option for your brand if you simply want to project a message of directness. While also aiming to reinforce the strength of your brand’s name into the minds of all those who'll encounter it; whether that may be in an advertisement, on promotional items, or any other marketing materials. 

Final thoughts 

Each day, thousands of startup founders rack their brains trying to think of how to create the perfect logo to represent their brands. And while the above-mentioned elements are commonalities shared by the greatest brand logos—discovering which type of brand logo would be best for your brand isn’t as simple as some would assume.

The primary objective of a brand logo is to serve as a visual metaphor. A visual shortcut that helps people instantly identify your brand, what you intend for it to represent, and why it should matter to them.

Lastly, keep in mind that the greatest brand logos are emblematic of the image, message, and tone of their respective brands. Which is why there isn’t a prototypical process when it comes to creating an ideal logo for your brand. 

If you’d like help creating the perfect brand logo for your startup, contact our office today! To schedule a complimentary client call and tell us more about your brand so that together—we’ll create the perfect logo to help your brand connect closer with its tribe of consumers.   


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